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counting house

См. также в других словарях:

  • counting-house — ˈcounting ˌhouse noun [countable] informal ACCOUNTING the part of a large organization that is responsible for looking after money; = finance department AmE …   Financial and business terms

  • counting house — UK US noun [C] ► in the past, the office or building in which a person s or an organization s accounts or money were kept …   Financial and business terms

  • counting house — n an office where accounts and money were kept in the past …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • counting house — a building or office used by the accounting and bookkeeping department of a business. [1400 50; late ME] * * * counting house or counting room noun Formerly, a room in which a merchant, etc kept his accounts and transacted business • • • Main… …   Useful english dictionary

  • counting house — UK [ˈkaʊntɪŋ ˌhaʊs] / US noun [countable] Word forms counting house : singular counting house plural counting houses a place where money and accounts were kept in the past …   English dictionary

  • Counting house — A counting house, or compting house, literally is the building, room, office or suite in which a business firm carries on operations, particularly accounting. By a synecdoche, it has come to mean the accounting operations of a firm, however… …   Wikipedia

  • counting house — count|ing house [ kauntıŋ ,haus ] noun count a place where money and accounts were kept in the past …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • counting house — count′ing house n. bus a building or office where the financial records of a business are maintained • Etymology: 1400–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • counting house — a building or office used by the accounting and bookkeeping department of a business. [1400 50; late ME] * * * …   Universalium

  • counting house — building or office which a business or firm uses as its accounting and bookkeeping department …   English contemporary dictionary

  • counting house — noun historical a place where the accounts and money of a person or company were kept …   English new terms dictionary

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